Invite an unlimited number of players to play the game online.
Your game is officially created and your are now a Game Master! Your dashboard allows you to edit anything as well as navigate to see individual results or combined results for the entire game.
Play your game
Our patent-pending ranking technique is fast, fun, and intuitive
Players simply drag and drop the Options onto the game board, ranking them relative to one another.
The player has ranked all the alternatives using 'Convenience' as the criteria...
...and using 'Taste' as another criteria.
Grid Rank generates this visualization, combining all the rankings of the players - pretty cool!
View your results
Easy-to-read graphics, bar charts, scatter plots, and best choice Tables
GridRank is the first platform that enables fast intuitive decision making. Our visual ranking method is so easy to use that you'll be surprised how quickly you can evaluate so many things in so little time. It turns every decision into a game for you and your colleagues.